Tuesday, September 15, 2015

One Day

everything dies
winds die down and stars burn out
one day i'll join you
Apologies for having such a short post and one that wasn't written today (but after the super long post from a few days ago, I'm sure you're all thrilled for this shortie!). My schedule was a bit hectic today and I'm only just getting home now. So I opened up my book of collected haikus and found this one that I wrote while on a plane (probably flying to Disney).
I never used to be afraid of flying... but now, things that once brought me so much joy, bring such fear. Suddenly, I am painfully aware of just how mortal I am. In some ways I'm more fearless because I no longer fear death (for what a wonderful reunion with my baby bro-bro that will be!) but in other ways I am more fearful because I see just how quickly life can end. And I love life. I don't want it to end. At least not yet.
But as I criticized myself for this sudden fear of death, this idea came into my mind. Literally, everything on this planet dies--the wind, the stars, trees, bumble bees, everything. And yet, humans are the only thing that actually, actively thinks about death and dying. We mourn the loss of a loved one, we try to protect ourselves from diseases, accidents, and untimely deaths. We are so focused on worrying about our deaths that sometimes we forget to live our lives... and I am just as guilty.
If you actually stop to think how connected everything is in this universe--connected through birth, life, and death--then perhaps death won't be quite as scary... it connects us to the universe's past, present, and future... and I think that's pretty wonderful.

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