Sunday, September 6, 2015


I suppose I should warn you now: I tend to like the macabre. All my life, I've been obsessed with Halloween, anything spooky, and the paranormal/supernatural. Despite my overly peppy and optimistic personality that I choose to show to other people, inside I have bats flying in my soul, black cats hopping from rib to rib, and a full moon hangs where my heart should be. Since the death of my brother, my obsession with the macabre and morbid is on overdrive. So if you get tired of the dark/spooky/weird posts, just look at it as me prepping you for Halloween (because it is NEVER too early!).
Once again, I found inspiration while I was walking through Novosibirsk yesterday. I was walking with a coworker and we were exchanging book titles that we were currently reading. Mine was less than impressive (Cress from The Lunar Chronicles), hers was a book called Ghost. My mind immediately jumped to the upcoming (or current, depending on who you are) Halloween season and I asked her if it was a horror story. She laughed and said no... it's a philosophical book about life and love. That made me pause and think about love and just how finite life is on this Earth.
Physically, my brother, Jed, is no longer here on Earth with us. He is dead. Some might even choose to say that he is "gone" (I politely disagree). But if anyone sat through elementary physics, then you would know the law of conservation of energy: energy can be neither created nor destroyed. However, energy can change forms, and energy can flow from one place to another.
My love for my brother was a mighty powerful thing. Even though he is no longer physically here with me, that doesn't mean my love for him disappeared. And that goes both ways: his love for me was just as powerful and that doesn't just disappear when he disappears from sight. His soul, his spirit, and his love continue on... just in a different form, flowing from one place to another.
Love is such an integral part of our very beings, I believe it has a hand in crafting our souls. When our hearts cease beating and we breathe our last breath, the energy within our souls is emitted into the universe, flowing around us... and that includes our love for one another.
I choose to believe that Jed is still around me in a form that my pathetic human eyes can't see, flowing around me, surrounding me with his love that can never and will never die.
And I just love ghosts, don't you? I see them as just so tragic and yet so intriguing. Some of them continue to live out parts of their lives over and over again (maybe that is Hell?), others follow their loved ones, waiting for them. They all have a story to tell... and just imagine those stories! Just think about sitting down with a ghost from 400 years ago. Not only can they tell you tales of the life they lived but then they can tell you everything they have witnessed in the time since... It's as if they are blessed with living a multitude of lives, experiencing different people, places, and phenomena (maybe that is Heaven?).
Anyway! This has gotten quite philosophical, hasn't it? Here is a little doodle of me as a ghost, keeping my love for my husband, my parents, my brother, my family and friends alive forever. Plus I love that font!

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