Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I kneel down, trying to ignore the old rusted autopsy table beside me. It's been some time since I've been to an insane asylum; they always make me uneasy... as if the spirits of this place will recognize me as one of their own and keep me forever.

"Micah?" I can hear Kyle from down the hall.

We've only been here for a few minutes and He's already whispered in my ear to wander--my wandering has  brought me to the basement much to my dismay.

"Micah! Where'd you go?"

Kyle and his two friends come bumbling into the room. I still wish I hadn't come. There are few thing worse than rookie ghost hunters and it looks to me as if these guys just bought their equipment yesterday.

One of them shines his flashlight in my eyes. I wince. Ever since the possession, I've been sensitive to light.

"Oh," he mutters, dropping the damn thing. "Sorry."

"What'd you find?" Kyle seems oblivious to the exchange, his eyes locked on what I have in my hand.

I look down. I forgot that I picked it up.

I shrug and hand it to him. "It's a little notebook."

"This thing has got to be a hundred years old." He begins flipping through the old yellowed pages.

I don't know why He brought me down here but I always try to listen to him when he talks... it's usually a rarity. But suddenly, there is a chill in the air and I find myself wishing to be anywhere else in the world right now. Anywhere but this basement.

"Can we go?" I ask suddenly; the panic in my voice surprises me.

"It's full of names," Kyle continues to ignore everything in the room other than himself.

"It's probably just the doctor keeping records of the people who died here," Kyle's friend Garret chimes in. "We are in a morgue after all."

"Can we please go?" I raise my voice, His voice echoing my words in my head, It's time to go.

"I'm with demon girl," the third one--Jay--inches his way toward me. I hate his nickname for me, and I'm sure he wouldn't like my nickname for him--the scaredy cat. But right now, I don't care who my ally is as long as I have one. "Hello?" he calls out to his friends once more.

"Hold on a minute!" Kyle almost sounds annoyed at us. His eyes are locked on a page in the little notebook, wide and bewildered. His eyes jump up to me for a moment as He screams in my ear, GET OUT OF HERE!

Kyle shudders as if he can hear His warning too. "Your name is written in here, Micah."

Today's writing prompt was "a little notebook" and I immediately wanted to continue writing about Micah Meyers, the demon possessed girl from my October 2nd story, Brave. I haven't actually had a chance to sit down and write anything in a long time now, so this felt good to get out while dinner was cooking.
I also created a bunch of little spiders today! Here is the result of my second creation from yesterday... I think they enjoyed making their spooky, cooky looking crowns!
Only 11 days until Halloween!

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