Tuesday, November 3, 2015


“This isn’t at all what I expected the afterlife to be like.” I continued to look into the shop windows and watch as people—each one of them looking young and healthy and strong—laugh with one another, hug each other in greeting, and bow their heads ever so slightly each time their eyes fell upon the face of the man walking beside me.

“Well what did you expect?” The corner of his mouth was turned up ever so slightly in an attempted hidden smile as he looked over at me curiously.

“I don’t know…” I tried to think back to Sunday school. “Golden palaces, endless feasts, flowers everywhere.”

“Are you disappointed?”

It didn’t even take me a moment to answer truthfully. “No. I definitely prefer this.”

“Why?” Clearly that was not the answer he had been expecting from me.

“It’s familiar.” I shrugged my shoulders. “It feels nice and safe. It’s not perfect and so I don’t feel like I have to be either.” I smiled as I looked out at the little shops surrounding us. “Bakeries and fruit sellers. Mundane things like food and friends that I thought only belonged to the living.” I smiled as I felt a sense of relief wash over me. “It’s just nice to know we don’t lose our humanity when we die.”

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned from you humans after watching you for the last few million years,” Death declared, his eyes looking around at his world and trying to see it as I was, “it’s that you love to cling to what specifically makes you human. You are a proud bunch,” he looked pointedly at me. “There’s no denying that. But if you weren’t,” he continued, “I think the Betwixt would be a much different place… and not for the better.”

Today in my NaNo story, Becks got to journey beyond the gates of Styx Manor for the very first time. Lord Death is joining her as she explores the nearby village and she's quickly learning that life after death is not at all what she had imagined... and in a good way.
I'm halfway through Day 3 and I'm hoping to reach the big 10K mark by tonight.

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